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Extraordinary or Extra Ordinary?

Extraordinary or Extra Ordinary?

As we enter our second full month of business, the team sat down for reflection on what we've accomplished, what we can do better and how can we add additional value for our customers.  

We started this particular meeting off with three words on the whiteboard: Service, Convenience and Choice.  I then posed the question, are we Extraordinary or just Extra Ordinary?

Service: Are we delivering service to our customers at the highest level?  How can we improve upon our customer experience?  

Convenience: Has our tech team created the easiest, most intuitive web experience for our customers?  Are the My Lists and reorder QR codes being used and enjoyed by customers?

Choice: Do we have the right level of product where any IVF Lab would find everything they would need?

Here is what we are doing to be Extraordinary for you:

1. Every call, chat or email is answered the same day.
2. If a product is not on our site and it's critical to our IVF customer, we will do everything we can to source the product and list it on our site at a fair price.  If we are unable to list the item, we will forward our customer to a retailer who can accommodate their request.  
3. We will always listen to our customers.  Listen for what they need, listen to the problem and then solve it.

If you need Extraordinary, come give us a try. 

On behalf of our entire IVF Store team, Thank you,


Click Here to Start Enjoying Service, Convenience and Choice Today

Specialty Products You've Asked For

We are constantly adding new products to our IVF offering.  If you don't see the specific item you are looking for, click here to tell us and we'll try and add it for you. 

Questions from our customers
1. Do you carry all the Brady labels
Currently we carry labels for the BMP51, BMP61 and BMP71.  If you need a Brady label that is not on our site, let us know and we'll have it ordered.

2. Do you have incubators?
We currently have 2 x 510K approved CO2 incubators by Thermo.  The FDA now requires IVF labs to use 510K approved incubators.


Supplies Arrive When You Need Them

Increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving your IVF supplies only as they are needed  By creating lists and standing orders on, you can schedule your supplies to arrive just in time for when you need them.  No more overstocking, or navigating around extra boxes in your supply room. 
Let us help you with scheduling your orders so they arrive when you need.

Have a Great Idea

All of us at IVF Store are open minded and always accepting of new ways to make things better.  Do you have an idea on how we can improve our process, our product offering or even our blog posts?  Let us know, we'd love to hear from you. 

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