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First Couple of Weeks - IVF Store First Couple of Weeks - IVF Store

First Couple of Weeks

Wow what a journey!  April 2 marked the official launch of IVF Store and it's been an amazing first two weeks, both for our staff and our families. 

Craig Hoffmann
First, I want to thank everyone for their support and to properly introduce myself to the people I have communicated with either by phone, chat, in person or even through our first marketing announcement which was extremely well received. 

We have been working tirelessly for months to bring the ART profession an easy and convenient way to purchase laboratory supplies at competitive prices.  In addition, we have been building an extraordinary service team to ensure every inquiry is answered in the same business day.  Whether it's a question about a delivery or about a procedure that needs a more comprehensive answer from our on-staff embryologists, we strive to deliver a memorable customer experience, every time. 

Because you have asked, we're adding more product every day.  If you don't see exactly what you are looking for, please let us know and we will do what we can to add specific SKU's based on your needs. 

From our IVF Store family, thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.


We've received several questions about the Chocolates we send out as part of our customer order fulfillment.  Well, the simple answer is we want to say thank you.  The long answer is we value every single order and every single customer and since we love chocolate, we thought our customers would love it too. 

With the hot summer months approaching, we will switch up the chocolates with more heat tolerant goodies.  Be on the lookout and send us your feedback.  Contact Customer Service

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One last thing...

I wanted to finish this first newsletter with a final thought.  Beginning Sunday, April 22 it's National Infertility awareness week.  In our industry, we all know someone who is suffering from or who has been impacted by infertility. This is very close to our hearts and why we strive to support companies who continue to innovate and produce great products to help people have families.  Please see the Flip the Script graphic above and Take the Pledge to build awareness of the challenges and stigmas that stand in the way of building families. 

Happy to help.

Let people know how if you have any questions or are looking for any specific product you cannot find - 1 (833) 483-7867

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