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Expert Holding Micropipettes - IVF Store


Gynemed, based in Lensahn, Germany is a leading manufacturer and distributor of consumables and equipment for the in vitro fertilization clinic and laboratory markets.

4 products

MEA Tested
Expert Holding Micropipettes - IVF Store
MEA Tested
Intelligent ICSI Pipettes - IVF Store
Intelligent ICSI Pipettes - IVF Store
MEA Tested
Brilliant Biopsy Micropipettes - IVF Store
MEA Tested
GM501 Mineral Oil is a ready-to-use oil for covering the medium during IVF/ICSI treatment. GM501 Mineral Oil protects the medium from evaporation and thereby stabilizes pH and temperature.
Gynemed GM501 Mineral Oil for IVF 500ml
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