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Easy-Read® Environmentally Friendly, General Purpose Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers

Regular price $33.99

SKU: 9313A38
Temperature Range

Easy-Read® Environmentally Friendly, General Purpose Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers

EnviroKleen™ certified thermometers feature black, non-toxic, biodegradable, Enviro-Safe® liquid.

  • Black liquid against lead-free, yellow back glass for easy readability and fewer reading errors
  • Ideal for use in chemical/petrochemical laboratories, universities, scientific institutions, food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical and medical industries, dairies, breweries and distilleries
  • Manufactured and tested by our USA quality team
  • Traceable to NIST
  • Includes multi-language (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) Statement of Accuracy and Traceability, non-roll fitting and individual serial number

Should you require an individual Thermometer Calibration Report, factory calibrated thermometers or custom calibration services are available.  Call IVF Store at 470-695-4141 for specific ordering requests involving calibration. 

Mfr. SKU Range Divisions Accuracy Immersion            Length 
9313A38 -10/150°C 1°C ±1°C, ±1.5°C above 100°C Partial: 50mm (2") 200mm (7.9")
±0.5°C Partial: 76mm (3") 300mm (12")
9313A23 -20/110°C 1°C ±1°C Partial: 76mm (3") 300mm (12"
9313A44 -20/150°C 1°C ±1°C Partial: 76mm (3") 300mm (12")
9313A50 -10/110°C 1°C ±0.5°C Total 200mm (7.9")
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