Human Serum Albumin
SKU: 2101
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Human Serum Albumin
Protein supplement for culture media applications requiring additional supplementation.
- 100 mg/ml total protein (weight/volume) in normal saline
- Formulated with therapeutic grade Human Serum Albumin
- Parent HSA used to formulate this product is derived from blood from CBER licensed Blood Banks
- All donors used to obtain the Human Albumin were individually tested and found to be non-reactive for HbsAg, HCV and antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 by approved testing methods. Source material is also screened by questionnaire at the donor level for risk factors associated with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD).
- For use after pre-equilibration at 37ºC
- Provided in 12x5ml glass vials/box
- One-Cell Mouse Embryo tested (>80% 1-cell to expanded blastocyst within 96 hours)
18-month shelf life