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Olympus IX70 Inverted Microscope System with Motorized Narishige Micromanipulation System

Regular price $32,000.00 Sale price $38,000.00
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Olympus IX70 Inverted Microscope System with Motorized Narishige Micromanipulation System

  • Hoffman modulation contrast 10x 20x 40x plus 4x
  • Motorized Narishige Micromanipulation System
  • Narishige Air Injectors (or 2 x IVFOD Air, 1 x Eppendorf CellTram Air, 1 x Eppendorf CellTram Oil, 1 x Narishige Oil, 1 x RI Mushroom)
  • Tokai Hit Heated Insert
  • IVFOD Plates and IVFOD Feet

This item has been fully refurbished. The scopes are built from the base up with each part being cleaned and fixed where necessary. Narishige Micromanipulators are completely professionally refurbished and recalibrated by Narishige. Tokai Hit Heated Inserts, Narishige Injectors, Anti-Vibe Feet, and Magnetic Plates are all brand new.  


Full Parts & Labor 12 months Warranty upon Installation

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