BIRR Conical Tube PP 50 mL
(now known as 113550)
Conical Tube PP 50 mL intended use is for preparation, centrifugation and storage of culture solutions (e.g. culture media, density gradients) or biological specimens used in assisted reproduction techniques.
- Class IIa sterile Medical Device according 93/42 EEC Directive
- Manufactured by BIRR in EU
- IVF specific design
- Non-pyrogenic
- Sterility assurance level (irradiation) 10^6
- Measuring scale
- Labeling area
Article Code |
Individually Wrapped |
Material |
Testing |
113510 |
200 units per box |
Polypropylene, cap Polyethylene | MEA, LAL & SMA per LOT number (now known as 113550) |