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Starting your IVF Lab After Coronavirus Shutdown - IVF Store Starting your IVF Lab After Coronavirus Shutdown - IVF Store

Starting your IVF Lab After Coronavirus Shutdown

Be Safe...

At the moment it is a very stressful time for everyone. Many clinics have stopped treating patients and are waiting for the right time to bring back staff and restart lab operations. However, the Coronavirus may still be here requiring changes to SOP to protect you, your colleagues and patients.

It is likely that your routine work will now include additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) than you are used to. This might also include different types of PPE (including gloves, masks, shields, eye protection, etc) and modifications to your existing protocols and standards.  IVF Store wants to make this transition easy and cost-effective for you.

IVF Store can help you with new or alternative items for your lab. Our staff is well-trained specifically on IVF products and able to help source exactly what you need at a reasonable and fair price.

At IVF Store, we take your well-being, and that of your patients, very seriously.  

We look forward to working with you (833) 483-7867.

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