BIRR Dropping Pipette 3 mL
Dropping Pipette 3 mL intended use is transferring semen sample from semen collection container to density gradient or other device in which semen will be processed and aliquoting large volumes of culture media and density gradients to small volumes.
- Class IIa sterile Medical Device according 93/42 EEC Directive
- Manufactured by BIRR in EU
- IVF specific design
- Non-pyrogenic
- Sterility assurance level (irradiation) 10^6
Article Code |
Packaging (single packed) |
Material |
Testing |
113420 |
800 units per box |
Polyethylene | MEA, LAL & SMA per LOT number |
Article Code |
Packaging (packed by 10) |
Material |
Testing |
113421 |
1500 units per box |
Polyethylene | MEA, LAL & SMA per LOT number |